So Very Good

Today as we were walking the Turkey trot, all bundled up and actually enjoying the crisp, clean air and the sunshine, I turned to my husband and said ” My life is so good right now.”  That’s it.


So the build up for the big meal begins.  We spend hours planning, excuse me, I spend hours planning, trying to come up with new side dishes the family will eat. There will be 7 adults and 3 little ones.  I was the biggest drinker, well, my husband can put it away but he always […]

Trudging Along

The post today over a Un-wined: Happier Like This, was about feeling flat and deflated, pink clouds moving along and staying sober.  I get that, I totally do.  I’m sure it’s part of the process.  I now have to look at my phone all the time to remember how far I’ve come, 116 days, thank […]

Exercise the Demons

Sorry, couldn’t resist that old line from a Jim Carey movie.  Anyway, I have found if I don’t take my walk every day or do some weights I get antsy.  Go figure, me actually wanting to exercise, unheard of.  If I miss too many days I’m afraid I’ll be vulnerable to the beasts’ voice. I […]


Ok, I have to limit my computer time.  I have to set limits like I did with my son and video games or I’m never going to get ANYTHING done.  This is a new sober phenomenon.  I used to check stuff in the morning and then maybe once more during the day.  Now, it’s constant.  […]

The Way We Were

The subject of Belle’s blog post today really brought me down.  It made me think about my childhood. It was not a very happy childhood.  It’s hard to remember the good times but the bad ones can seem like they happened yesterday.  I’ve been quite successful at tucking it away in a compartment and forgetting […]


I had was of those days on what was supposed to be my celebratory 100 days.  A typical day I guess, but one that a few months ago would have led me to the couch with a bottle of wine and mindless TV.  I think it’s just a woman’s dilemma, there is just not enough […]

100 DAYS

Ok, so maybe this wasn’t outside my window this morning, but it should have been.  100 days ago I never ever thought I’d be here.  That life could be so crystal clear.  You really can enjoy life without alcohol.  Really, it can be done. Within these one hundred days I had my first sober birthday, […]