


Yep. 4 amazing, crazy, wonderful, sometimes difficult years. Sober. In those 4 years I’ve experienced incredibly happy sober times and most lately some really sad sober times. There’s no doubt about it. Life. Is. Hard. Because of being sober I’ve really “felt” those really sad times and really “enjoyed” those incredibly happy times. Life is hard but better because I’m sober. 4 years. Need to think of a special gift as I’m still the Queen of Self-Care.

1460 days, 208 weeks, 48 months. 4 years


On to 5.

Should have had some Β lipstick on in that photo!


37 thoughts on “4 YEARS

  1. Happy 4 years! No lipstick, you look beautiful as is. Heading up to Kenosha to run Hilloopy. 16 mile run for me. Could never do this hungover. On to 5 Sharon.β€πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’œ

  2. I wish it was me! Don’t know how to begin, and so afraid of withdrawals/cravings. Just turned 60. Well enough about me. Congratulations to YOU and keep up the good work.

  3. Congratulations on your soberversary! Life is hard at times, but much doable sober. I just had 6 years, and I am truly full of myself!!!! Btw, you are a beautiful person! Blessings

  4. woohoo re 4 years – it suits you πŸ˜‰ and am with the other commenters who say that sober smiles don’t NEED lipstick!

    sorry too about your most recent sadnesses. we are not exempt from sadness but I think we process it SO much better when we are sober so we don’t have to carry so much past sadnesses around with us. and of course when we are sober there are so many more opportunities to notice and indeed create the good things to balance the scale up a bit. much love to you and onwards to five years! Prim xx

  5. So good to see this picture of you, Sharon. Made me smile and feel happy and hopeful. What an amazing ride you’ve let us share. Way to go!!!

  6. I am a 64 year old woman who wants to stop drinking. I was excited to find a blog I can relate to. I am married 39 years, 4 kids and 6 grandchildren. I love my Wine so much I drink A bottle every day starting at 5 with the news.I have wanted to stop for a few years (the news and the wine).I want today to be my first day. What can I expect and how do I prepare? Cindy

  7. Hi – just found your blog. I was just forced to quit drinking just after turning 59 by pretty bad stomach issues. I mean, I knew I drank too much, it just required me drinking myself into gastritis and esophagitis to knock it off. My hubby’s a heavy drinker though, and I’m hoping our marriage can survive. I worry that he’d rather have a drinking buddy than a wife….hope you post more often.

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