April 23, 2016


I wrote the following a couple days ago but now I have something else to add. On Friday I got one of the best. gifts. ever. I had a virtual  meetup with a fellow sober blogger from across the pond. ( where did that come from, it’s a fucking ocean people! ) Anyway it was wonderful to look at and talk with someone who’s been on this journey with me almost as long as I have.   It was like seeing an old friend and talking as if we did it everyday.  I admire  her writing, (she hardly ever swears), her intelligence, her compassion, her grit and determination. It made my day, week, and so on. Thank you sweet Prim, (https://takinganewpath.wordpress.com) for giving me a lovely gift. I’m toasting you with one of your nojitos and Twinings Earl Grey tea. Cheers.  She’s lovely, absolutely lovely inside and out.


Can you believe it? 1000 days. Amaze balls ( that’s for you Mrs. D). Freakin’ awesome. Don’t have enough adjectives to express how good it feels.  I’ll probably stop counting days now and just go to years. Woo hoo.  Who’d have thought?  1000 days ago sobriety was something I wished for, prayed for, and desperately desired.

I have never felt better. I’m eating a “fairly” healthy diet, not counting my daily mocha lattes. I’m exercising, the weather has finally turned to Spring here. I’m enjoying my husband, kids and grandchildren.  Number 5 grandchild is on the way. ( Now I have to worry for the next 6 months about those fucking mosquitoes making their way here) other than that I’m good. Really good.

Getting ready to start our veggie gardens. Keeping baby bunnies out of Olive’s way. She has an awfully strong prey instinct. She’s had two so far. Stupid. Fucking. Rabbits. (Literally)  Fenced yard and 2 Labrador retrievers and they still nest in the yard.  Death wish. Walked in the St. Patrick’s Day 5K, had a really good finish.  Started a cycling class in addition to my Pilates, at least until the weather gets better which may be August. Painfully spending an hour a day trying to clean the basement. I hate basements, spiders and the occasional mouse poop, Mickey better stay the fuck away from my basement, oh how I hate that. Still going to book club and still listening to audio books while I clean or run errands. Saw the musical Beautiful, AWESOME, of course that was when I was in my prime, back when I was a “Natural Woman” (did you know she wrote that! So cool.) Babysitting, dancing with little princesses and watching Disney Channel with the four of them ( I know the theme songs to too many of those damn shows)  That about sums it up.

That last paragraph, normal, just everyday mundane things. Normal. What a fabulous word.  I didn’t think I’d ever be just normal. From a lush to normal. How glorious to be living, just living everyday. No worries about 5 o’clock becoming 4:30, becoming 4 so I could start drinking.  Instead of my days being consumed with thinking about drinking and then drinking I’m now just living. It’s not the least bit boring, which is what a lot of people in early sobriety think.  It’s filled with all sorts of wonder. I notice everything now, the trees budding, my grandson figuring out how to walk, when someone needs a kind word, wondering when the moron down the street will shut his damn dog up. (I couldn’t go all nice on you, you’d think someone else was writing this, all Julie Andrews running through “the hills are alive” shit).  When I was in high school a very strange boy who sat in front of me in one class thought I looked just like Julie Andrews. Where the hell was I going with this? Oh yeah, and when I smile I mean it, not just going through the motion. I’m living.

I still use my sober toolbox. Listen to Belle’s One Minute Messages everyday.  I don’t want to let down my guard.  I’ve come too far.  So, even though life’s just normal I won’t forget how hard I worked to get here. 1000 days.

Bring on more treats, I’m worth it! I’m thinking two very expensive down pillows because crawling into bed should elicit the same ahhhhhh as having a massage at a spa. A pedicure, a new Fitbit ( because I want it to tell me how little sleep I get, like I don’t all ready know) the list goes on….

Doesn’t get any better than this.


We all need to sit and watch the world. It’s grand.

1000 days.  Fucking A!!! Now there’s a saying from the 70’s that has weathered  the test of time.  Just like me.

Groovy.😊 (Couldn’t resist)


PS. Husband #1 is at 112 today. Wonder what he wants as a reward?😉

21 thoughts on “April 23, 2016

  1. Congratulations on 1000 days!!! What a wonderful, amazing accomplishment. I am so proud of you Sharon. You are FREE to enjoy every gift this world has to offer, and there are so many wonderful gifts out there.

    1000 booze FREE days. WOOHOO!

    Bless you my friend. HUGS, Margaret

  2. Oh Sharon my heart is swelling in pride for you here 🙂 1000 days – f*cking awesome lady! I shall raise my cup of amaretto coffee to you and we’re busy trying to figure out Skype conferencing as we speak 😉 xx

  3. Sharon–congratulations!!!! I’m still plugging away. Sober on and off since January, right now with the hope of getting my 100 days, day 4 again. I’ll get it done. My momentum is getting better than a year ago. What does the “A” in fucking a mean. I’m a child of the 50s and never figured it out. Awesome? Asshole? All right!? Whatever.
    I’m so inspired by your achievement. Go girl!
    Your friend from across the POND. (Lake Michigan)

  4. Congratufuckinglations, Sharon!!!! 1,000 days – I can hardly wrap my mind around that! Do something really grand for yourself – the pillow idea sounds perfect. What a reward for setting your sober li’l head down every night.

    Keep us posted on the arrival of darling grandbaby #5? And that’s awesome about the hubs, too.

    Big Hugs,

  5. I’ve just woken up on my side of the world and this is the first post I’ve read. It’s a kick-ass way to wake up. Congratulations on 1000 days and such an amazing attitude. I love it. Thank you for inspiring me too. I’m going to look at the world today. 🙂

  6. well, I already knew from reading your blog that you are a gutsy, bright and funny woman. what I know better after speaking with you in person is that you are also an immensely kind person, who is intensely interested in how other people are doing. and that you’re pretty interested in baking, too – or should that be pretty interested in Paul Hollywood?! (I know you have mentioned him before on your blog so I hope that’s ok to say here!)

    massive congratulations on your 1,000 days. I like to include the comma, because you are a four-figure sober lady, now!

    so good to have you along and ahead of me on this journey. I just love what you say above – “when I smile, I mean it.” smiles and 1,000 hugs to you, Sharon! Prim xxxx

  7. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. What a gift to give YOURSELF! You are still teaching me, leading me, and most of all inspiring me. I am already finding out how special “ordinary” can be without the funk of alcohol.

  8. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. You continue to teach me, lead me, inspire me. I am already enjoying the benefits of “ordinary” in my day. 1000 days is the best gift I can hope to give myself.

  9. I am so very happy for you! You have a full, rich life and it sounds like you squeeze ever bit of life out of (into?) each day. No wonder you’re smiling 😀 Congratulations on 1000 glorious days! Ps – I commemorate milestones with jewelry or sparkly bits of some sort, Day 1000 was a ring from an artists market. I hope you’re treating yourself to something special.

  10. Yaaaay! Wonderful, lovely achievement! You do deserve a full regiment parade ( now that Queenie’s done w the 90th folderol, I’m sure she‘d let you borrow some of ‘her guys.’) congrats!

  11. Congrats on 1000 days! Woohoo! Love the sound of how you spend your days. Life is grand. Yes, treat yourself to those pillows. Lol’d on the Fitbit comment because i have the same experience. Congrats to your husband too.

  12. Congrats on the 1000 days that is just awesome. Great to hear about the virtual meeting – whatever is happening in the world some of the way technology is changing us and who we can relate to people is simply terrific

  13. Many many congrats!! Wow…. I am super excited to read more of your blog and hear what fun treats you had for 1000 and 112! ps I also have been listening to Belle’s One Minute Messages, kinda all at once, but they are very helpful, great tool for my new box! Thank you for your post.

  14. Thanks for the update — very encouraging. I’ll be 60 in a little less than 3 years…which if all goes well will put me at close to 1000 days as well!

  15. I don’t stop in often, but really should as it is always fun to read what you write. Congrats on your 1000 days and thanks for all the positive energy and inspiration!

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